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Wellbeing tips for Autumn

1. Maintain regular wellbeing for consistent results

Summer may be over but don't leave it until next spring to remember about looking and feeling great. A few simple, consistent actions over the autumn / winter months will ensure you stay in good shape and avoid any last minute panic when you sense Spring is on its way.

Our advice would be:

i) Avoid having a summer routine and a winter routine for eating.

If you do, this usually means people eat less but more healthily in summer, and then eat more but less healthily in winter. For consistent, positive results with your energy and your weight, eat the right food in the right quantity throughout the year.

ii) Develop a summer routine and a winter routine for your exercise.

Many people tell us they feel good in the summer but their exercise routine is mostly outdoors meaning that during the winter months they park it and wait until spring to get active again.

That's 6 months of the year when you're missing out on burning calories and feeling great, so have a think about what your weather resistant exercise options are for October to March and make sure you make the most of every month of the year.

2. Set goals and then achieve them

More people set personal development goals in September than in January. It’s a great time to take stock and think about the results you’d like to experience with your wellbeing in relation to the actions you currently take to help you achieve these results, or the new actions you are willing to take to ensure you reach your goals.

Here’s a 5-step plan to guarantee you get what you want from living a healthy life.

i) Avoid thinking of healthy living as something you feel you ought to do and instead view it as something you want to do.

ii) Decide, right now, what you want from your personal wellbeing. Do you want to get fitter, tone up, lose weight, feel more energy, reduce stress levels or sleep better?

iii) Decide when you want to experience your chosen results

iv) Write down three actions you can take today that will move you towards your objective in the chosen time frame. Make the first one an immediate action and set a time to take the other two actions.

v) Write down three actions for tomorrow and repeat this process every day. Get into the habit of taking a few minutes every day to review your progress from the previous day and use what you learn to create your action plan for today and tomorrow.

3. Be honest with yourself

Ask yourself what has prevented you in the past from achieving all the results you say you’d like with your health and wellbeing. It could be time, work, family commitments or a busy social life.

Now come up with three suggestions for working around each of your reasons for not achieving success. If you are really, truly committed to achieving your goals, creating options to work around your barriers and then getting on with doing so should be an easy process.

If you’re struggling to find solutions, you may need to have another think about how much you really want the objectives you say you want.

If your wellbeing objectives aren’t that important to you, make a note to revisit them in 4-weeks. If they are a top priority, start taking action right now.