So, here we are, now four weeks into the new year. How is it going for you so far?
Some people tell us that they’re doing really well. They managed some rest and recovery over the holiday period and have started January with great energy which they've been able to channel effectively now that the many distractions of December are all out of the way.
Others report that while they began the year with good intentions, and got off to a great start, the energy and focus they had for making changes to their routine is being tested by the demands of everyday life and is draining away as January feels as though it’s going on forever.
And there are those who report that the whole holiday period was a blur with no proper time off, meaning they rolled into January feeling as though they’ve landed in a new year while still playing catch up from the last one!
Whatever situation individuals find themselves in, one thing is clear to us.
This is an important moment in time for everyone to pause and reflect.
It's usually about now when the routines of the year establish themselves.
And the way in which individuals and teams are positioned currently in relation to how well they prioritise their wellness, performance, resilience and life balance, often determines how they operate from here until the summer.
Which is quite a chunk of time.
So it’s IMPERATIVE that everyone has the right mindset, strategies, habits and priorities in place now, in order to make the most of the coming months.
On a personal level, you can review your approach right now and make any necessary changes. That part is pretty straightforward.
For teams and organisations, one approach that works really well is to gather everyone together around the end of January / beginning of February to review the early part of the year, consolidate the positives, learn from the challenges, and highlight opportunities and refine systems and strategies for the coming months.
If you like the idea of a planning session like this for your team, we’ve outlined below (in Step #1) the content that we feel is important to include during this type of meeting.
There are also three main factors that make a massive difference.
Shared group support
Just as with most projects, working on yourself as a leader and all round calmer, more effective individual can be easier with the help and support of others rather than flying solo.
Personalising the journey
Working as a team helps people identify strategies and practical solutions that can fast-track their success. It also clarifies things that might be relevant for other people but not for you at this time. Which gives you less to worry about and more energy to put into the things you're really interested in.
Motivation and accountability
Get the tone of this session right and teams can generate motivation that often isn't possible working with individuals. Combine that with an appropriate system of accountability and the energy created can be impressive.
Leadership wellness in action: some amazing results you can expect
This time last year we ran a workshop for the leadership team of a UK construction company. Each of the team then went through our coaching programme and we all got together again in September last year to share results.
The results were fantastic - you can read some of their comments below.
Each of them also noted that it was valuable that they went through the programme together.
And in addition to the benefits each of the group experienced, it was clear how quickly the ways in which they were thinking and behaving differently began to influence their teams.
We measured an improvement of 10% in the leadership team’s wellness & performance across the period and this is a business with well over 3000 employees. Imaging them all experiencing a 10% improvement as the messages filter through the business.
So impressive!
Feedback from the CEO
‘The mindset element was key for me, I was focused on improving the baseline but also realistic if I have a number of client events in week there is only so much I can do, this is where the planning element came into play
The outcomes I’ve experienced are significant increase in energy levels, much more mindful around my time and planning around commitments, exercise more often and a longer term view on health – i.e. some weeks are just going to be challenging but over a quarter you can improve.’
Feedback from the Group Finance Director
‘So many positives of this programme. I’ve developed much better routines for sleeping and eating which has helped me feel sharper throughout the day.
I build in regular reflection / thinking time as a priority which helps me make decisions quicker. It’s been a great reminder that to perform well I must look after myself and my family too.
This has been a shift in mindset that’s helping me set a healthy example for our teams and as well as the leadership team being drawn closer by going through the process together, we’re resetting the cultural tone of the organisation which is helping to deliver our strategy.’
Feedback from the Group Commercial Director
'I’m much clearer on what I need and now can spot opportunities to make good choices consistently rather than repeating cycles of healthy ‘all or nothing’ which was my old way of approaching things and was getting quite frustrating!
The fact that the leadership team is going through the process together feels positive and exciting and creates a great energy when we’re all together.'
Like the sound of all that?
If you'd like to see your team benefit from results like this, just let us know. We can set up a Teams meeting to talk about how to adapt the process for your organisation using the following 2-step process as the model system.
Step #1
Keynote workshop: Introduction to wellness & performance
Session objectives
Provide participants with the opportunity to check in with their current healthy
living choices, values, behaviours and attitudes with a view to establishing priority areas for change.
Highlight key strategies that guarantee improved performance.
Equip participants with the knowledge they need to maximise energy, efficiency,
resilience and enjoyment in all areas of their life.
Position health, wellbeing and peak performance as key foundations of personal and professional success.
Provide participants with the opportunity to highlight, discuss and challenge anything that may have prevented them from achieving peak performance in the past.
Workshop overview
Participants complete a wellbeing self-assessment tool – where are you now?
Objective setting: what does healthy living and peak performance look and feel like for you?
How to achieve healthy living success like never before: we explain tried and tested strategies for quick and lasting success.
Creating a culture of wellness and high performance for your team and your business.
Step #2
Individual Wellness & Performance Coaching
What's it all about?
Participants have the opportunity to work with a wellbeing expert to design a unique approach to healthy living.
This specifically designed programme helps individuals overcome barriers that may have prevented them from living their ideal weekly routine in the past, and will set them up to look, feel and perform at their best for now and for the future.
What does the programme cover?
The program is designed around the health, wellness and performance objectives of each individual participant.
Common topics for discussion are:
Work-life balance
Fitting in fitness
Healthy eating
Building resilience
Boosting confidence and performance
Crucially, each programme is bespoke so, with their coach, participants will drill down into what wellness means to them & ensure they're equipped to live their best life every day.
Let's talk
We can help you energise your team like never before.
Drop us an email today to get this set up sooner rather than later.